Hi there! I’m Erin.
I’m a neurosparkly writer, artist, and clinical herbalist with a deep love for books and an interest in all things creative. Here at Floranella, I write about plants, gardening, slow living, creativity, and books, and I also offer online herbalism and aromatherapy classes and lessons.
I currently live in the Pacific Northwest and tend an organic garden (zone 8b) full of medicinal and aromatic herbs, fruits, vegetables, and flowers. I also steward a growing collection of houseplants that bring much joy to my heart and home.
My approach to herbalism and aromatherapy involves working with plants from the garden to the apothecary in as sustainable a way as possible, which means that I grow a lot of the herbs I work with myself and then distill many of them to gather their hydrosols and essential oils. I love teaching my students and readers how to foster a deeper connection to the plants and find this method of practicing herbalism to be personally rewarding.
About Floranella Classes
Here at Floranella, I teach science-grounded herbalism and aromatherapy from the garden to the apothecary through online classes and educational resources.
As a Floranella student, you can learn to grow and forage for aromatic and medicinal plants (and to source them sustainably when you do not have the time, space or ability to do so), to harvest and process them, distill them to gather their hydrosols and essential oils, transform them into effective formulas, and work with them safely in your home apothecary or professional practice to help you reach your health and wellness goals.
I love science, so up-to-date research (as well as hundreds - sometimes thousands - of years of herbal tradition) is something I focus on as the foundation of my lessons.
I would love to see you in class!
the Floranella approach
cultivating a science-supported, sustainable practice

Connectedness Over Consumerism
Herbalism and aromatherapy involve more than just a selection of little brown bottles on a shelf. I teach you to craft effective and sustainable formulas whilst also developing a connection to your remedies by growing, tending, processing and distilling the aromatic and medicinal plants they come from yourself. Cultivate a more connected personal practice and get to experience the benefits of having access to top-quality plant material, even when there may be quality issues with purchased products or shortages in uncertain seasons.
Sustainability and Efficiency
I teach you how to accomplish your therapeutic goals in the most sustainable, effective ways possible - through mindful sourcing, personal involvement in the process, a focus on bio-regional practice, and an expanded repertoire of knowledge. By learning how to work not only with essential oils, but also with herbs and hydrosols, you equip yourself to craft a much more sustainable and effective practice.
A Holistic Framework Rather Than Reductionist Thinking
Learn to step outside the box of the allopathic mindset and think about the whole person so you can effectively pair plant-based remedies with the people who need them. Deepen your understanding of how the plants work in their many forms so you can know exactly when and how to work with herbs, hydrosols, essential oils, and other plant-based therapies (and confidently know when to choose one over the other).