DIY All-Purpose Cleaning Spray

When Jon and I first started to transition to a chemical-free, sustainable lifestyle [circa 2010/11 or so], I had a hard time finding cleaning products that really were natural and organic. Even the 'natural' brands that were available at the time had ingredients that I did not want to use in my environment. I wanted something that would better align with our values, so I started making my own cleaning products. This all-purpose cleaning spray fast become one of my favorite recipes and it is so easy to make (and less expensive than the most popular grocery store brands)!

What You Will Need

  • distilled white vinegar (less than $2.00 per gallon at Target or just about anywhere else)

  • citrus peels (I used lemon and lime this time)

  • citrus, conifer, or lavender essential oil (optional)

  • a mason jar

  • a clean spray bottle

How to Make the Spray

  1. Pop your citrus peels into a clean mason jar.

  2. Pour distilled white vinegar over the peels until they are completely covered.

  3. Set in a cool place and allow the citrus peels to infuse in the vinegar for 2-4 weeks.

  4. Use a fine mesh strainer and a piece of clean muslin or cheesecloth to separate the peels and pulp from the vinegar and pour the clean vinegar into your spray bottle.

  5. Optional: Add a few drops of citrus, conifer, or lavender essential oil. If you do choose to add essential oil, shake the bottle well before each use and avoid using on hard wood floors or around babies or pets.

Would you like to learn more about making your own DIY cleaning sprays? Check out this post, in which I taught you how to make effective cleaning sprays using antimicrobial herbs that you may already have in your kitchen or garden.

Much love,

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About the Author

Hi there, I’m Erin! I am the main instructor here at Floranella. I am a clinical herbalist, aromatherapist, artisan distiller and organic gardener based in the Pacific Northwest. Here at Floranella, I teach people how to work with plants safely and effectively from the garden to the apothecary. Thanks for being here! I’m glad you stopped by.


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